What is CSPM from 555?

Customized Scheduled Preventative Maintenance is a program in which 555 Millwright will come to site, document the machinery not currently being serviced and approach the equipment manufacturer for their recommended maintenance schedule. 555 Millwright will then create a plan for this equipment to be serviced on a schedule, either with parts supplied by you or sourced by us.

Our goal is to enable the highest service life possible on your equipment and limit premature failure due to leaks and missed maintenance, all while allowing you to provide a baseline of known maintenance costs for your yearly budget.

With every site visit, a quick check-up on the rest of the equipment will be performed. Comprehensive reports with basic vibration and temperature trends can show  if a machine may be requiring rebuild or replacement, included during every CSPM.

Why use 555?

With tightening budgets and experienced employees starting to retire, it is likely that you no longer have a dedicated maintenance person on staff. 555 Millwright is your on demand Service Technician. We strive to keep over head costs low, so we can offer our services at a small town friendly rate. Keep expensive reactive maintenance to a minimum with a plan that is scheduled per year instead of per failure.

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